Beers like this IPA are proof that you don’t need barley to craft a delicious and drinkable Pale Ale. Green’s has a reputation of brewing remarkable gluten-free beers and this, one of their newest offerings, is no exception. Enjoyable with a a earth and hoppy taste, with a bitter aftertaste, this is well worth trying. […]
How cool is it that one of the U.S. top breweries makes this one-of-a-kind true gluten-free sorghum-based beer? Dogfish Head brews this special brew between seasons, thus the name Tweason’ale. Because of this is isn’t always available. Before the days of gluten-removed beers that flaunt the taste of barley, us celiacs were limited to beers, like this […]
New Planet Brewery, known for its sorghum-based gluten free beers has brought us something new and different. Perhaps this gluten-removed brew is called Seclusion because its so far and different from New Planet’s other gluten free offerings. To further differentiate this beer they have offered it in a 12oz can, not a bottle. In fact this may […]
Kombucha beer has emerged as an entirely new style of beer. Combining the health-centric characteristics of fermented Kombucha tea, with elements of traditional beer, this hybrid brewing process has created a new, and interesting new category of naturally gluten-free beer. This one-of-a-kind K.P.A. (Kombucha Pale Ale) is my first foray into Kombucha beers. In terms of tasting, this drink really was […]
When it comes to quality gluten-free beers, before there was gluten-removed there was Green’s. And this is one my my long-time favorites. A true gluten free beer, this dubbel is brewed with roughly twice the ingredients, and you can tell. For those of us that can’t drink normal “gluten beer”, a dark beer like this is a […]
Body is slightly caramel color with a light bubbly head. There is a small amount of visible bubbles in the glass. The smell is strongly floral from the hops. At the first sip I tasted was a dry and bitter, quickly replaced by the hoppy taste. The finish is very smooth with a slight bitter aftertaste. This clean finish is not at […]
New Grist Pilsner was one of the first gluten free beers I encountered that was worth drinking. This sorghum-based pilsner style beer is well-crafted and widely available. It has become a staple at gluten-free friendly beer stores and restaurants. This was the very first gluten free beer to be granted Gluten Free designation by the US Government. New Grist was […]
American Amber / Red Lager. Anheuser-Busch’s (Budweiser) gluten free offering. Their product was already 90% rice-based, why not tweak a few ingredients and make it gluten free to hit a growing market? Two good things about this beer: It’s inexpensive and you can find it in most grocery stores. The taste isn’t bad, it’s on […]
The flowers on the label aren’t just there for decoration, they seem to be a reflection of the contents in this hoppy gluten-removed beer. This self-proclaimed “West Coast Style” India Pale Ale has a light-blonde color and a strong, flowery, lavender smell. In fact, my wife said, “It smells like purple.” This double IPA really does has double the flavor of some […]
Stone Delicious IPA with Lemondrop and El Dorado Hops Very hoppy with a strong, delicious, yet bitter lemon taste that blends very well, and makes this IPA a standout, and a must-taste for any fan of Indian Pale Ales. Stone Brewing Company categorizes this beer as ” Crafted to remove gluten. They have batches of beer independently tested for gluten […]
Because barley is used instead of sorghum, this gluten-removed lager taste much more like you would expect a beer to taste like. I was lucky enough to taste this beer early on, before the other gluten-removed hit the market. At that time I was enamored with the taste. It was the first beer that was brewed with barley that […]