American Amber / Red Lager. Anheuser-Busch’s (Budweiser) gluten free offering. Their product was already 90% rice-based, why not tweak a few ingredients and make it gluten free to hit a growing market? Two good things about this beer: It’s inexpensive and you can find it in most grocery stores. The taste isn’t bad, it’s on the light side, comparable to Budweiser.
If you are a beer drinker I don’t recommend Redbridge. However, I’ve met several non-beer drinkers with celiac disease who enjoy this beer. So it you are used to drinking beer like Miller Lite, Coors Lite or similar, you may just enjoy Redbridge. It seems that this beer, and other like it, will always have a place in the world of gluten-free beer.
Tasting Notes:
Look: pours with very minimal head, clear with a hint of amber.
Smell is faint, but toasted grain is present.
Body is thin with lots of carbonation.
Taste is light and watery, the bittersweet taste of sorghum is present, yet it is well-balanced.
Alcohol by volume: 4.8%
Brewed by ANHEUSER-BUSCH, Saint Lewis, Missouri