The bold, dark flavor of this beer took me back a moment. Is this a new flavor? No, I’ve tasted and enjoyed beer this dark before, but it’s been so long (12 years) I had forgotten the taste! I’ve had a handful of dark gluten-free beers, but none that had hit those right notes that instantly reminded me of my early experiences with dark beers.
Back when I was in my twenty’s I used to love dark beer. But the lack of available dark gluten-free beer has left a “void” in my beer drinker’s palate. Luckily Ground Breaker Dark has come through for me and filled up that deficit today.
One really interesting thing that Ground Breaker does with this beer is the way it treats sorghum. Many gluten free beers mistakenly have sorghum as the dominant flavor. Several others do well to mask the unmistakable taste. What Ground Breaker seems to do is to use sorghum as a complimentary flavor to the roasted chestnut. Whatever they do, they do it well. And don’t just take my word for it. This beer actually won the 2016 gold medal Great American Beer Festival.
Tasting Notes:
Look: Dark chocolate brown with very thin, whispy head
Smell: Chocolate, roasted coffee, roasted vegetables,
Body: creamy body with light carbonation and decent retention
Taste: very earthy, dark licorice , almost like taking a tree (if you can imagine that). Full flavor up front with a smooth finish that leaves a deep earthy, chestnut aftertaste.
Overall: Rich and dark, Dark and tasty, Ground
One note about availability. Ground Breaker beers are currently brewed and served in Portland, Oregon. It is also available in Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, but not many other places.
Brewed with dark roasted chestnuts and lentils
4.5% alcohol by volume
Certified Gluten Free
Ingredients: Sorghum, chestnuts, organic tapioca maltodextrin, organic lentils, Belgian-style candi syrup, cane sugar and hops.
Brewed and bottled by Ground Breaker, Portland Oregon, (formally Harvester Brewing)
Awards: Winner, gold medal 2016 Great American Beer Festival
Disclosure: I received this beer free from Ground Breaker Brewing, but I did not let this fact influence my review.