Sometimes I find out about a new gluten-free beer far in advance and eagerly anticipate their arrival in my area to taste it. That didn’t happen with this beer. Instead, I recently received a phone call, “I’ve got a new gluten beer for you to try”. And just like that, a totally gluten-free IPA, that […]
Not everyone likes India Pale Ales (IPA’s), and that’s because they can be very overwhelmingly dominated by the strong, flowery, yet bitter taste of hops. However, for those of us who like IPA’s, we really like them! If you are a fan of IPA’s, then I think you’ll like this one. The Story Behind India Pale […]
Beers like this IPA are proof that you don’t need barley to craft a delicious and drinkable Pale Ale. Green’s has a reputation of brewing remarkable gluten-free beers and this, one of their newest offerings, is no exception. Enjoyable with a a earth and hoppy taste, with a bitter aftertaste, this is well worth trying. […]
The flowers on the label aren’t just there for decoration, they seem to be a reflection of the contents in this hoppy gluten-removed beer. This self-proclaimed “West Coast Style” India Pale Ale has a light-blonde color and a strong, flowery, lavender smell. In fact, my wife said, “It smells like purple.” This double IPA really does has double the flavor of some […]